
London 2012 The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games по сети

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Релиз игры: 28.06.2012
Игра через: Steam Remote Play
Информация по игре: London 2012 - это спортивный симулятор, посвященный знаменитым летним Олимпийским играм в Лондоне 2012 года. Каждый теперь может попробовать пройти те испытания, с которыми сталкиваются профессиональные атлеты-олимпийцы, ощутить на собственной шкуре триумф победы и несносную горечь поражения.

Файлы для игры:

1. Скачиваем игру London 2012 The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games и распаковываем ее в любую папку
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Как запускать:

1. Запускаем Steam, заходим в свой профиль.

2. Запускаем игру через london2012.exe.

В игре:


Принимаем приглашение от друга.

Создание сервера:

Открываем Steam-Overlay и приглашаем друга в Steam Remote Play.

Информация о сетевых режимах:

Ошибки при запуске London 2012 The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games по сети бесплатно, где скачать новую версию, торрент, доступные серверы, настройки, решение проблем в игре вы можете обсудить ниже.
КОММЕНТАРИЕВ: 6 Фильтровать
15 декабря 2021 11:13
Афигеть, играл в эту игрушку, скачанную с торрентов в одиночку еще в далеком 2014, есть повод вернутся и поиграть с друзьями, спасибо огромное
26 августа 2024 15:03
London 2012 The Official Olympic Games - Game Pad / Controller (NOT WORKING) FIX 2024

ENG ~ If you want your controller to work, you don't need to install any programs like X360CE or other emulators. First, connect your controller via Bluetooth or a cable to your computer. I use a Series X controller. Go to Steam -> Settings -> Controller and enable "Steam Input for XBOX Controllers" and "Steam Input for Standard Controllers". Then install the "XBOX Enhanced Feature Support Driver" and restart your computer. After restarting your computer, add the file london2012.exe to Steam by clicking "Add Game" in the lower left corner. The game "Space War" will be added to your library. On it, right-click Properties -> Controller and in "Override for SpaceWar" check "Enable Steam Input". Now right-click again on "Space War" -> Manage -> Controller Layout. Click with the mouse on Current Button Layout, then using the controller go to the "Community Layouts" tab and select the "XBOX 360 Default" layout at the very top. Exit the controller layout settings and start the game.

PL ~ Jak chcecie aby wasz kontroler dzialal, nie musicie instalowac zadnych programow typu X360CE czy innych emulatorow. Najpierw podlacz swoj kontroler za pomoca Bluetooth badz kabla do komputera. Ja korzystam z kontrolera Series X. Wejdz w Steam -> Ustawienia -> Kontroler i wlacz "Steam Input dla kontrolerow XBOX" oraz "Steam Input dla Standardowych Kontrolerow". Nastepnie zainstaluj "Sterownik obslugi rozszerzonych funkcji XBOX" i zresetuj komputer. Po restarcie komputera dodaj plik london2012.exe do Steam klikajac w lewym dolnym rogu "Dodaj Gre". Do biblioteki doda ci sie gra "Space War". Na niej kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy Wlasciwosci -> Kontroler i w "Nadpisz dla SpaceWar" zaznacz "Wlacz Steam Input. Teraz kliknij ponownie prawym przyciskiem myszy na "Space War" -> Zarzadzaj -> Uklad Kontrolera. Kliknij mysza na Obecny Uklad Przyciskow, nastepnie sterujac padem przejdz do zakladki "Uklady Spolecznosci" i wybierz na samej gorze uklad "XBOX 360 Default". Wyjdz z ustawien ukladu kontrolera i wlacz gre.
26 августа 2024 20:51
ENG ~ If you are using a PlayStation 4/5 controller, in the last step "Controller Layout" you need to go to the "Search" tab, type "XBOX" and select the "Playstation to XBOX" layout.

PL ~ Jezeli uzywacie kontrolera od PlayStation 4/5 w ostatnim kroku "Uklad Kontrolera" musisz przejsc do zakladki "Szukaj" wpisac "XBOX" i wybrac uklad "Playstation to XBOX".
27 августа 2024 00:33
Fix. For Playstation 4/5 controllers, you need to use the Dark Souls controller layout PS5 Controls from Community
27 августа 2024 22:58
London 2012 The Official Olympic Games - Game Pad / Controller (NOT WORKING) FIX 2024

If you want your controller to work, you don't need to install emulators like X360CE. You need three things to install which I am sending below: Visual C++ All in One, ViGEmBus Driver, Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop RunTime. Next, connect your controller via Bluetooth or a cable to your computer. Go to Steam -> Settings -> Controller and enable "Steam Input for XBOX Controllers", next "Steam Input for Standard Controllers" and the last one Playstation Controller Support "Enabled". Then install the "XBOX Enhanced Feature Support Driver" and restart your computer. Then launch "London 2012.exe". The controller will still not work, but the "Space War" game will appear in your Steam library. On Space War in Steam Library, right-click Properties -> Controller and in "Override for Space War" check "Enable Steam Input". Now right-click again on "Sapce War" -> Manage -> Controller Layout.

[XONE / XSX] Click with the mouse on Current Button Layout, then using the controller go to the "Community Layouts" tab and select the "XBOX 360 Default" layout at the very top. Confirm -> press X. Exit the controller layout settings and start the game from "London 2012.exe" not Space War on Library.

[PS4 / PS5] If you are using a PlayStation 4/5 controller, in the last step "Controller Layout" you need to go to the "Community Layouts" and select the "Dark Souls PS5" layout on the top.

That's All!

Visual C++ All in One: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/

ViGEmBus: https://vigembusdriver.com/download/

Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop RunTime: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0
28 августа 2024 00:44

London 2012 The Official Olympic Games - Game Pad / Controller (NOT WORKING) FIX 2024

Instructions for the version from "online-fix.top" which allows you to play with friends online.

If you want your controller to work, you don't need to install emulators like X360CE. You need three things to install which I am sending below: Visual C++ All in One, ViGEmBus Driver, Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop RunTime. Next, connect your controller via Bluetooth or a cable to your computer. Go to Steam -> Settings -> Controller and enable "Steam Input for XBOX Controllers", next "Steam Input for Standard Controllers" and the last one Playstation Controller Support "Enabled", not "enabled in games without support". Then install the "XBOX Enhanced Feature Support Driver" and restart your computer. Then launch "London 2012.exe". The controller will still not work, but the "Space War" game will appear in your Steam library. On Space War in Steam Library, right-click Properties -> Controller and in "Override for Space War" check "Enable Steam Input". Now right-click again on "Sapce War" -> Manage -> Controller Layout.

[XONE / XSX] Click with the mouse on Current Button Layout (Official Layout for SpacerWar), then using the controller go to the "Community Layouts" tab and select the "XBOX 360 Default" layout at the very top. Confirm -> press X. Exit the controller layout settings and start the game from "London 2012.exe" not Space War on Library.

[PS4 / PS5] Click with the mouse on Current Button Layout (Official Layout for SpacerWar), then using the controller go to the "Community Layouts" tab and select the "Dark Souls PS5" layout at the very top. Confirm -> press Square. Exit the controller layout settings and start the game from "London 2012.exe" not Space War on Library.

That's All! If after all this your controller doesn't work, restart your computer again. Now it has to!

Visual C++ All in One: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/

ViGEmBus: https://vigembusdriver.com/download/

Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop RunTime: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0

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