
DRAGON BALL FighterZ по сети

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Релиз игры: 26.01.2018
Игра через: Microsoft Store
Страница игры в Steam: DRAGON BALL FighterZ
Информация о игре: В DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ есть зрелищные бои и могучие воины. Созданная совместно с Arc System Works, DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ — это безупречная графика в стиле аниме и сложный, но понятный игровой процесс.

Файлы для игры:

1. Скачиваем игру DRAGON BALL FighterZ и распаковываем ее в любую папку
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Как запускать:

1. Читаем требования к системе.

2. Запускаем GDK_Helper.bat, который находится в папке с игрой. (выполняется единожды)

3. Включаем режим разработчика (Enable Developer Mode). (выполняем перезагрузку ПК, если это потребуется) (выполняется единожды)
Перед включением режима разработчика, ознакомьтесь с тем что это такое в интернете.

4. Устанавливаем игру (Install Game). (выполняется единожды)

5. Устанавливаем DLC (Install DLC). (выполняется единожды)

6. Выключаем режим разработчика (Disable Developer Mode). (выполняется единожды)

7. Запускаем игру через меню пуск.

В игре:

Подключение/Создание сервера:

Начать игру Игра по сети Вас автоматически подключит в общее лобби.

Информация о сетевых режимах:

Ошибки при запуске DRAGON BALL FighterZ по сети бесплатно, где скачать новую версию, торрент, доступные серверы, настройки, решение проблем в игре вы можете обсудить ниже.
КОММЕНТАРИЕВ: 98 Фильтровать
21 апреля 2021 19:53 Важный комментарий (!!!)
В релизе используется взломанный .exe от EMPRESS, потому 100 процентная совместимость с вашим железом, по старинке, не гарантирована.
11 апреля 2024 18:16
Цитата: STVT1C_V01D
For everyone having problems with the installation of the game:

First, open the appxmanifest.xml file with notepad and delete the <PackageDependencies> line that consists of the "Microsoft.DirectXRuntime". This interferes with the installation. DO NOT DELETE THE OTHER PACKAGEDEPENDENCIES LINE!!!!! Save the file.

1. Run the GDK_helper with admin
2. Enable dev mode
3. Install the game
4. Install the DLCs
5. Exit

Also, install the EasyAntiCheat in the respective folder.
Now, DO NOT open the game from the explorer.
After installing, the game will appear in your start menu. RUN IT FROM THERE!!

Hope this helps.

Hi, I'm trying to install the game by doing all the steps but when I try to start the game I get the error "The application was unable to start correctly ( 0xc0000142 ). Click OK to close the application ."
23 апреля 2024 14:30
Игра обновлена до версии
24 апреля 2024 00:49
I keep getting an error 0x0xc0000142 Is there a way to fix it?
24 апреля 2024 19:05
Hi I can't open the game i get the error 0xc000142 all the time. Please help I don't know what to do :(
10 мая 2024 05:14
try to disable your antivirus
17 мая 2024 00:32
Me and my friend downloaded this game from here and we can't play together still, we see each other in the lobby but when we try to match together we can't!
28 мая 2024 07:04

First, open the appxmanifest.xml file with notepad and delete the <PackageDependencies> line that consists of the "Microsoft.DirectXRuntime" and the line before that. This interferes with the installation. DO NOT DELETE THE OTHER PACKAGEDEPENDENCIES LINE!!!!! Save the file.

1. Run the GDK_helper with admin
2. Enable dev mode
3. Install the game
4. Install the DLCs
5. Exit

Also, install the EasyAntiCheat in the respective folder.
Now, DO NOT open the game from the explorer.
After installation, the game will appear in your start menu. RUN IT FROM THERE!!
2 июня 2024 13:59
i followed every step but when i open the game it tries to connect to the server and fails. Is there a fix ?
4 июня 2024 21:39
I did everything but when I am lauching the game from start menu nothing happens
15 июня 2024 02:38
4 июля 2024 12:31
Hey! To those who are struggling with booting up the game, I managed to find a solution! You still have to follow the instructions that was provided by others in this comment section, HOWEVER once you're done with all that hassle, find where the game resides in the RED folder inside the binaries folder and delete winmm.dll. It SHOULD work, but I can't say for sure
6 июля 2024 23:33
Цитата: jumpmanwoooh

First, open the appxmanifest.xml file with notepad and delete the <PackageDependencies> line that consists of the "Microsoft.DirectXRuntime" and the line before that. This interferes with the installation. DO NOT DELETE THE OTHER PACKAGEDEPENDENCIES LINE!!!!! Save the file.

1. Run the GDK_helper with admin
2. Enable dev mode
3. Install the game
4. Install the DLCs
5. Exit

Also, install the EasyAntiCheat in the respective folder.
Now, DO NOT open the game from the explorer.
After installation, the game will appear in your start menu. RUN IT FROM THERE!!

This explanation is incredibly confusing. "Also delete the line before that" "DONT DELETE THE OTHER DEPENDECY LINE" my buddy in christ the line before that is literally the other dependency line, like what!?
My issue is that the game doesn't open at all, and it doesn't even give me errors. If I only delete the 2nd dependency line it doesn't change anything, nor if I delete both. I also tried removing winmm.dll.
I've downloaded the game from here in the past and it worked completely fine, one of the updates must've broken it.
10 июля 2024 20:20
Hey guys I have a problem when I make a ring match or create a party match it gave a disconnected error please I need help to fix it to play with my friends
17 июля 2024 00:30
How did you get the game working? It doesn't launch for me
27 июля 2024 23:26
Ok, so i know this might not fix it for everyone and i have no clue how this is working, but what i did to make it work (basically everything mentioned in above comments)-
1) Unzip the game
2) Unzip the fix, copy paste the contents to the game folder
3) Open the appxmanifest.xml file with notepad and delete the <PackageDependencies> line that consists of the "Microsoft.DirectXRuntime" and the line before that [this would be line 14 & 15]
4) run GDK_helper as admin-> enable dev mode, install game, install dlc, disable dev mode, exit.
5) Try running game from .exe file, then from start menu (if neither works, go to next step)
6) install the EasyAntiCheat in the respective folder
7) Try running game from .exe file, then from start menu (if neither works, go to next step)
8) find where the game resides in the RED folder inside the binaries folder and delete winmm.dll
9) Try running game from .exe file, then from start menu (if neither works, go to next step)
10) you have to delete easyantichatx64.dll then launch the game from THE DIRCTORY FOLDER (where you installed it) then UNDO THE DELETE of easyantichatx64.dll then launch the game FROM THE START MENU, now if this still doesn't work. rest in peace :)
13 августа 2024 06:37
for anybody having the issue where when you start it from the start menu amd nothing happens, uninstall it and reinstall but with no DLCs, absolutely random fucking fix that i found while desperate, hope it works
24 августа 2024 06:56
The game open, but it get stuck in the press any button menu, i can press it , a black screen shows up then goes away and then a popup show up saying failed to connect
24 августа 2024 08:22
27 августа 2024 14:27
The game works guy, just follow these steps:

1-make sure u have xbox app working and updated in the microsoft store and make sure the xbox services are working and updated and sign in the xbox app.
2- then install the game and make sure easy anti-cheat is installed
3- now just launch the game from the red folder then exit it from the task manager and then launch it from start menu.

it worked for me perfectly fine on both windows 10 and 11.
27 августа 2024 19:08
IT DOES,............... NOW.~~~~~~~~~~

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