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Релиз игры: 07.03.2023
Игра через: Microsoft Store
Страница игры в Microsoft Store: GUILTY GEAR STRIVE
Информация о игре: Видеоигра в жанре файтинг, разработанная и выпущенная компанией Arc System Works; седьмая часть в серии игр Guilty Gear и 24-я в целом.

Файлы для игры:

1. Скачиваем игру GUILTY GEAR STRIVE и распаковываем ее в любую папку
Внимание! У вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь.

Как запускать:

1. Читаем требования к системе.

2. Запускаем GDK_Helper.bat, который находится в папке с игрой. (выполняется единожды)

3. Включаем режим разработчика (Enable Developer Mode). (выполняем перезагрузку ПК, если это потребуется) (выполняется единожды)
Перед включением режима разработчика, ознакомьтесь с тем что это такое в интернете.

4. Устанавливаем игру (Install Game). (выполняется единожды)

5. Выключаем режим разработчика (Disable Developer Mode). (выполняется единожды)

6. Запускаем игру через меню пуск.

В игре:

Проходим обучение.

Подключение/Создание сервера:

Network Online Match Вас автоматически подключит к лобби.

Информация о сетевых режимах:

  • Вы можете играть на официальных серверах.
  • Программы необходимые для запуска игр.
Ошибки при запуске GUILTY GEAR STRIVE по сети бесплатно, где скачать новую версию, торрент, доступные серверы, настройки, решение проблем в игре вы можете обсудить ниже.
КОММЕНТАРИЕВ: 77 Фильтровать
23 мая 2023 14:47
Руководство открыто. Изменён способ запуска.
25 мая 2023 19:06
ther is no guide helpful I hope you guys do at least 1min video explaining
27 мая 2023 20:34
Игра обновлена до версии Добавлен GDK-Fix V2.
28 мая 2023 17:55
sweet it works, thank you for your work!
28 мая 2023 21:31
Hello,can you record a video and share it here explaining how did you make the game works? because Its not working for me even though I followed the steps accurately.
28 мая 2023 22:38
Повторил все как в инструкции. Пробовал 4 раза начисто - с перезагрузкой/без, с включением/выключением режима разработчика и т.п.

Итог один - игра открывается, высвечивается подсказка с логотипом загрузки и через секунд 5 она намертво зависает без признаков жизни. Все сервисы имеются, до этого играл в игру через геймпасс, но захотелось поиграть со всеми длс.
28 мая 2023 23:03
Yoooooooo thanks so much for this,im a high school broke boy that cannot buy this,and this works perfectly fine

@Dragonball what is not working for you?
29 мая 2023 16:21

When I run GDK Helper.bat and choose the first option, I get this error message

((((Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073D2B, The package deployment failed because its content is not
valid for an unsigned package.
Windows cannot install package asw-akiyama.GUILTYGEARSTRIVE because an unsigned package cannot include Executable
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 5691def1-918e-0007-929a-92568e91d901 in the Event Log or use
the command line Get-AppPackageLog -ActivityID 5691def1-918e-0007-929a-92568e91d901
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-AppxPackage 'D:\Games\GUILTY GEAR STRIVE\AppxManifest.xml' -Regis ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (D:\Games\GUILTY...ppxManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand))))

I am applying the steps in the correct order, and I have been downloaded all the required programs and activated the developer mode and my Windows system is compatible (win 10 64bit),The frustrating thing is that I downloaded two different games using the same software and method, but I did not encounter this problem
29 мая 2023 17:34
https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/add-appxpackage-deployment-failed-with-hresult/266cc215-32e1-48d9-a7d0-a80057eafe7f have you tried to run it as administrator? I believe that yes,check out that microsoft support link and check out the comments it looks like some of em did solve this issue
29 мая 2023 19:44
After all, I am still suffering from the same problem despite extensive research and following all the steps diligently, using a multitude of programming commands on my computer to the point where I consider myself more of a professional programmer than just a player.
29 мая 2023 21:32
Цитата: Dragonball
Hello,can you record a video and share it here explaining how did you make the game works? because Its not working for me even though I followed the steps accurately.

uninstall it entirely you might have the old files downloaded, redownload the new torrent and just place the Generic V2 as the fix only.

make sure you have the xbox application downloaded also with it's services otherwise it won't install.
30 мая 2023 01:52
yeah and when you activate the developer mode restart your computer and run the generic as admin
30 мая 2023 06:34
for me, i need download and install "Xbox gaming service" on xbox.com , and my winver is 19045.2908 , run RDK_helper as administrator. It's work for me, maybe help you.
30 мая 2023 15:06
The game pop ups in task manager and then disappears after a few seconds, can anyone help with this?

I installed Xbox gaming service, did all the steps, but still no luck
30 мая 2023 15:27
@_JoseBerm, @Ace_Min, @jinhuaiwei,

Thank you very much for your assistance in trying to solve the problem. It's working right now.

The problem was with the system itself, specifically with the protection against the installation of external files by Microsoft. To solve it, I disabled Windows and Microsoft protection using the Windows PowerShell program.
30 мая 2023 19:14
how do you disable windows and microsoft protection using the windows powershell program? i tried to search it up but nothing came up
30 мая 2023 19:52

There is an important step before proceeding to Windows PowerShell. First, you need to disable Windows virus protection by following these steps:

1. Open "Settings" in the Windows 10 operating system. You can access it by clicking on the "Start" button on the taskbar and selecting "Settings" (gear icon).
2. In the Settings window, click on "Update & Security".
3. Go to "Windows Security" and click on "Virus & threat protection".
4. Under "Virus & threat protection settings", click on "Manage settings".
5. Turn off all the options.


Now you have to run Windows PowerShell as administrator and then to install an unsigned application package, you can follow the steps below:

1. Open PowerShell as an administrator.
2. Run the following command to enable the installation of unsigned applications:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
This command allows the execution and installation of unsigned applications on your device.
3. Run the command to install the unsigned application package again.

Please note that enabling the installation of unsigned applications exposes your device to security risks. Exercise caution and ensure the source and integrity of the application before installing it.


You need to pay attention to a specific thing when entering PowerShell and paste this phrase "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted". You should approve the option by pressing the "Y" button. After finishing downloading the thing you want, you should return to PowerShell and disable the phrase by pasting "Set-ExecutionPolicy restricted", then approve it in the same way to avoid future problems due to downloading malicious programs. Also, don't forget to re-enable all Windows security options mentioned at the beginning.
30 мая 2023 20:32
do i have to redownload the original OF.ME file from the beginning or can i just go to the previously installed OF.ME that was downloaded before turning off these protection setting
30 мая 2023 22:03
There is no need for it because these security settings are just an additional measure in case I encounter the same problem I was facing. So, if you have a newer game file that you want to download, all you need to do is:

1. Make sure that the game is not already installed on your computer (e.g., an old version) by clicking on the Start menu and checking the recently installed programs.
2. Ensure that you download Xbox program as well as Xbox Gaming Services.
3. Activate developer mode from the Windows settings, which can be accessed through the Start menu.
4. Run the GDK_Helper.bat program as an administrator after copying and pasting the crack fix file that comes within the downloaded torrent file into the game folder.
31 мая 2023 00:21
im glad it worked out! wanna battle someday? heres my gt

Xbox: JoseBerm
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