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Релиз игры: 25.07.2024
Игра через: Steam + аккаунт Epic Game Store
Страница игры в Steam: EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6
Информация о игре: Live the future of despair.The year is 2024 AD. The survivors fought against the remaining threats while trying their best to continue their recovery.Three years passed in the year 2027. In a new world without hope, the time has come to once again resist the fate of the Earth.

Файлы для игры:

1. Скачиваем игру EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 и распаковываем ее в любую папку
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Как запускать:

1. Запускаем Steam, заходим в свой профиль.

2. Запускаем игру через LaunchGame.exe.

3. Заходим в свой аккаунт Epic Games Store в открывшемся окне браузера.

В игре:


Online Mission Mode Подключаемся к любому серверу.

Создание сервера:

Online Mission Mode Create a Room Ожидаем подключения других игроков.

Информация о сетевых режимах:

Ошибки при запуске EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 по сети бесплатно, где скачать новую версию, торрент, доступные серверы, настройки, решение проблем в игре вы можете обсудить ниже.
КОММЕНТАРИЕВ: 22 Фильтровать
27 августа 2024 03:14 Важный комментарий (!!!)
I asked for help and the admin found a solution to make this work on Proton (Linux).

The problem is related to EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll being loaded before OnlineFix64.dll. This is due to a different behavior between Windows and Wine.

To fix this, we need to edit EDF.dll (original md5: 4e75b5c9c89ebd18838fcdca2c7ef37a) to force steam_api64.dll to be loaded before EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll.

This can be done through CFF Explorer, it should look like this:

I've uploaded a pre-patched DLL (md5: 5e1b3944140aef0bd347fa55666321b4) here:

I do prefer if you patch it yourself, though. Make sure steam_api64.dll comes before EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll. It should not be necessary to load winmm.dll first, but I moved it up as well, just in case.

You still need to override winmm.dll to launch the game on steam, otherwise you may not be able to interact with the game.

Like this, as usual:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winmm=n,b" %command%
25 июля 2024 15:39
Длс можно активировать через ини файл, но активируется только преордер предметы, мишн паки заблокированы. Есть способ их открыть?
Спасибо огромное за оперативный взлом
25 июля 2024 15:46
I'm always stuck on installing dependencies
25 июля 2024 16:10
25 июля 2024 19:15
Все ошибки кода 2 и код 3 из за онлайн сервиса епика ине помогла переустановка самого епика.
25 июля 2024 21:15
to anyone with error "check the integrity of files"
just delete epic games folder from program data and go to epic online service folder in game file and install eos
game works great, able to match with other player but not with everyone
not sure if you can only match with pirated copies or everyone
26 июля 2024 00:52
Всё, вопросы порешали, нужно установить EpicOnlineServices из папки с игрой и игру запускать не через ярлык запуска, а из папки через LaunchGame.exe. Плюс нужно иметь активный стим и аккаунт егс, при первом запуске попросит привязать игру в акку егс через браузер
26 июля 2024 21:48
Можно подробно обьяснить что надо делать с epiconlinesrvies?Если конкретно на этот файл нажимать, то она просто не работает и ничего не открывает.
27 июля 2024 02:35
Work great for me. All I do is just installing epic game launcher after installing epic game online services. If you have epic game launcher installed before, just uninstall it and reinstall after installing epic online services first.
27 июля 2024 10:41
If you don't get any errors and just a white screen, then try starting the game with LaunchGame.exe.
Then your browser should open, and you need to sign in to your Epic Games account.
After that, the game will continue loading.
28 июля 2024 02:53
run as administrator
28 июля 2024 17:32
these missions will be released later for the EN version
30 июля 2024 13:05

Hi! I managed to get the DLC fixed by pasting this:
2378070 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Ranger Boarding Weapons: Free Bike No. 6"
2378071 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Air Raider Boarding Weapons: Eros No. 6"
2378072 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Ranger Piloted Weapons: Blacker No. 6"
2378073 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Air Raider Boarding Weapons: Naegling No. 6"
2378074 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Air Raider Piloted Weapons: Powered Exoskeleton Nix Metal Coat"
2378075 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Ranger Weapons: Broken MR98 Fang"
2378076 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Ranger Weapons: A60 Binary Round"
2378077 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Ranger Weapons: Aerial Reverser M0"
2378078 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Wing Diver Independently Operated Equipment: Handy Saber Type 0"
2378079 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Wing Diver Support Device: Reverse Core Type N"
2378080 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Fencer Weapons: 'OneeChanbara ORIGIN' illustrated 'Disguised Body Pillow'."
2378081 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Fencer Weapons: Power Blade Zero"
2378082 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Fencer Weapons: Proto Reflector"
2378083 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Strengthening Parts for Fencer: Gunner's Exoskeleton"
2378084 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Nakiri Ayame)"
2378085 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Ookami Mio)"
2378086 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Shirakami Fubuki)"
2793640 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (IRyS)"
2793650 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Gawr Gura)"
2793660 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Takanashi Kiara)"
2378087 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Mission Pack 1: Lost Days"
2378088 = "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Mission Pack 2: Visions of Malice"

and replacing it with the DLC that is in the OnlineFix.ini File in my Game Folder!
Hope this helps.
30 июля 2024 13:46
works fine , but can suddenly force close
3 августа 2024 17:23
Everyone works online?
4 августа 2024 00:04
As far as I have experienced you can not play with users who have purchased the game, only those on the online fix.
5 августа 2024 22:26
Maaaan, that sucks

Цитата: NanamiUwu
Maaaan, that sucks

Are there ever online fixes that have worked with non-pirates? because FitGirl repack for 5 worked with non-pirates
6 августа 2024 04:21
Цитата: NanamiUwu
Maaaan, that sucks

Цитата: NanamiUwu
Maaaan, that sucks

Are there ever online fixes that have worked with non-pirates? because FitGirl repack for 5 worked with non-pirates

I know I felt the same way :( In my experience they generally do work, but anytime the game is patched and you are on a different build it won't work anymore.
6 августа 2024 20:55
Guess we'll just have to wait when they change the EOS matching because i cant join any legit players
11 августа 2024 03:30
Sorry I don't know Russian.
I logged in my single EGS account for my sons copy and mine, and that makes us cannot see each others in the room. (I think we are treated as the same person). How can I clear the login cache and re-login with another EGS account for my son again? I tried uninstalling EGS, EOS and EDF itself, all don't work. Where does it store the login token? Please help.

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