
DRAGON BALL FighterZ по сети

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Релиз игры: 26.01.2018
Игра через: Microsoft Store
Страница игры в Steam: DRAGON BALL FighterZ
Информация о игре: В DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ есть зрелищные бои и могучие воины. Созданная совместно с Arc System Works, DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ — это безупречная графика в стиле аниме и сложный, но понятный игровой процесс.

Файлы для игры:

1. Скачиваем игру DRAGON BALL FighterZ и распаковываем ее в любую папку
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Как запускать:

1. Читаем требования к системе.

2. Запускаем GDK_Helper.bat, который находится в папке с игрой. (выполняется единожды)

3. Включаем режим разработчика (Enable Developer Mode). (выполняем перезагрузку ПК, если это потребуется) (выполняется единожды)
Перед включением режима разработчика, ознакомьтесь с тем что это такое в интернете.

4. Устанавливаем игру (Install Game). (выполняется единожды)

5. Устанавливаем DLC (Install DLC). (выполняется единожды)

6. Выключаем режим разработчика (Disable Developer Mode). (выполняется единожды)

7. Запускаем игру через меню пуск.

В игре:

Подключение/Создание сервера:

Начать игру Игра по сети Вас автоматически подключит в общее лобби.

Информация о сетевых режимах:

Ошибки при запуске DRAGON BALL FighterZ по сети бесплатно, где скачать новую версию, торрент, доступные серверы, настройки, решение проблем в игре вы можете обсудить ниже.
КОММЕНТАРИЕВ: 98 Фильтровать
21 апреля 2021 19:53 Важный комментарий (!!!)
В релизе используется взломанный .exe от EMPRESS, потому 100 процентная совместимость с вашим железом, по старинке, не гарантирована.
27 августа 2024 22:35
I still got connection error, my xbox app is updated , idk abt the xbox service, where do i find it to update and stuff
28 августа 2024 00:27


Does Your DRAGON BALL FighterZ Game Launch?????????

i Did Exactly What You Said And It Worked, Now Getting Fatal Error Crash Game Not Launching Like What The Hell?????????!!!!!!!
28 августа 2024 03:00
my game launch and when i try to enter it , it just say connection error
28 августа 2024 17:48
CAN YOU EVEN PLAY THE GAME AT ALL???????????????????????
28 августа 2024 22:48
it quit working for me and started crashing on startup a few months ago.
28 августа 2024 23:06
No the connection error is the title screen
29 августа 2024 23:07
They exict inside the windows system normally, you can check them by typing services in the search menu of windows, you will find them there make sure they are not disabled.

try to turn off anti-cheats then uninstall the game from control pannel or windows settings then re-do the steps that i addressed in my previous comment,
if it still dosent work make sure you have the basic necessary system software programs like net framework, java, visual C++, etc
30 августа 2024 00:59
I tried to find the xbox services, but nothing i only have the xbox companion service and the xbox live save service , rn i trying to restore it, if you know a way i would thank u
30 августа 2024 01:44
30 августа 2024 13:34
3 сентября 2024 23:42
how did u fix it
3 сентября 2024 23:48
I had to restore all my xbox apps, i need to use the gaming repair tool and other things, such as changing the services and stuff
9 сентября 2024 05:47
what exactly do you mean?
9 сентября 2024 22:13
My problem in specific was, i was missing all xbox services for some reason, i google it a lot and find some solutions, one was manually enabling my game bar in the services I used this guy guide and saved afterwards , then i need to repair all my other xbox services , and i used their game repair tool Here
I had to install manually bc i couldn't open my xbox app
10 сентября 2024 06:33
well my game launchs then says i have no connection. I would just wait till someone updates this but i was wondering if you knew how to get it to work as it is rn
5 октября 2024 17:26
I did all that and the game works until i realised i have no dlc now

works but no dlc

both of ur guys steps worked it just removes the dlc

I found THE FIX TO THE DLC !!!!!! Okay this is gonna be my last comment so do etheir @warden00, steps or @prithveemishra, steps but MAKE SURE To return the winnm file that is inside the red folder after you lunch the game from the red folder then launch it from the start menu and dlc online and the game should work make sure you have xbox sighed in and basic microsoft files like c++ and direct x and so on and if the game doesn't lunch at all just repeat the steps which
1-Delete the game from windows settings
2-go on the gdk helper and do the steps
3-make sure easy anticheat is installed and if not install it you can also make the game lunch from the start menu by removing the easy anticheat64 file and lunching the game from the main big folder of the game NOT the RED one the first exe u see they both worked
3-or do this now lunch the game from the RED folder as an admin then close of the task in the task manager
4-Launch the game from the start menu it should fully open and online is working is ur xbox is sighed in now make sure DLC is there if not make sure you have the winn.dll file in the RED folder but if you add it careful cus ur gonna have to restart from the begging sorry if this explaination sucked ass english is not my first langauge
4-lunch the game from the start menu
12 ноября 2024 17:01
I'll be honest, it didn't work for me even after following all the steps and solutions to errors in the comments, the executable never started from the Windows menu, it doesn't work,The executable in the red folder starts because it appears to be running in the taskbar but it does not open, and the one in the main folder does not start the easy anticheat and then gives me an error.0xc0000142 I think and then you tell me in a little window that easy anticheat does not trust something in the red folder
9 декабря 2024 21:57
i did all this and it was working good but then it just crashes after showing the sprite of goku

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