Site usage FAQ
- 03.02.2020
- 274015
Game is not launching, what to do?
If you have got an error on the game's start or a game is not launching at all, then there are a two ways you can solve the problem.
First, if the error is giving an instructions on how to fix the error, then just follow the instructions and you should be fine.
Otherwise, check that your game version is from the same platform as in the guide. For example, if it's a Steam-Fix, then you should have the Steam version of the game (not GOG and etc), this rule also applies for other platforms.
If all these methods doesn't work for you, then you can write into a #help channel, or make a request for check the guide in our Discord-server.
How to change game language?
In most cases you might change it in the OnlineFix.ini configuration file.
Where the game saves are located?
If the game is using Steam Cloud for saving game, you can find the saves in this path: C:\Users\Public\Documents\OnlineFix\appid\Saves (You can find appid in the OnlineFix.ini, RealAppId field), otherwise use Google to find where the game saves are located.
Is it possible to play with someone who own the game?
In most cases - no, but we are adding that information into the guide if possible.
How to download?
We are providing 3 ways of downloading our files: Online-Fix Drive, Web-based file-server (download available only for Fix Repair, Updates folders), Web-based file-server with torrents.
We recommend you to use qBitTorrent as torrent-client.
How the torrent system works?
Torrents are being rechecked and recreated automatically two times in the day: 12:05 and 00:05 (GMT +2).
What's the password?
The only password for all archives is:
How to unpack the archives?
We pack the game files by using WinRAR, so you need to have installed WinRAR or any other archiver that is supporting .rar file extension. If you're having an empty archive or some other errors - update WinRAR to the latest version.
We're distributing games in two ways:
- In a single archive;
- An archive consisting of n parts. (5-15 Gb for each part)
In the first case, you just need to unpack the archive. In the second case, you need to download all archives and place it in one directory, after that you can start unpacking only first part of the archive, other parts will be unpacked automatically (the archives have to have the same name, except the .partN).
How to recognize the game version?
You can find it in the guide itself or in the archive's name when downloading.
How to contact with us?
You can write to us on the site: 0xdeadc0de, Ferriko or contact us through our Discord-server as well.
How to send a request for update/create/check a guide?
We're accepting and proccessing requests through our Discord-server. Channel #talking-with-bot
If after reading this article you didn't get an answer for your question, contact with the administration of the site or ask your question here, we'll respond to you and probably add your question in the article, if this question is frequently asked.