
Forza Horizon 3 по сети

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Релиз игры: 27.09.2016
Игра через: Microsoft Store
Информация о игре: Forza Horizon 3

Файлы для игры:

1. Скачиваем игру Forza Horizon 3 и распаковываем ее в любую папку
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Как запускать:

1. Читаем требования к системе.

2. Запускаем UWP_Helper.bat, который находится в папке с игрой. (выполняется единожды)

3. Включаем режим разработчика (Enable Developer Mode). (выполняем перезагрузку ПК, если это потребуется) (выполняется единожды)
Перед включением режима разработчика, ознакомьтесь с тем что это такое в интернете.

4. Устанавливаем игру (Install Game). (выполняется единожды)

5. Устанавливаем DLC (Install DLC). (выполняется единожды)

6. Выключаем режим разработчика (Disable Developer Mode). (выполняется единожды)

7. Запускаем игру через меню пуск.

В игре:


Создание сервера:

Информация о сетевых режимах:

Ошибки при запуске Forza Horizon 3 по сети бесплатно, где скачать новую версию, торрент, доступные серверы, настройки, решение проблем в игре вы можете обсудить ниже.
КОММЕНТАРИЕВ: 29 Фильтровать
7 марта 2022 14:04 Важный комментарий (!!!)
The initial idea of the fix was to support online features, unfortunatelly microsoft has silently disabled servers since October 2021 which disabled a possibility to play multiplayer modes, however other stuff like drivetars, forzathron and other are still available, as I've spent so much time emulating this game I am still sharing my work and it will be exlusive guide which will have no multiplayer support. Hopefully you'll enjoy it ;)

Also please note, if game crashes for you for some reasons, there are two options what you could do regarding it:

1. Most likely you have some app which hooks game (for instance overlay), you must disable such software as the game detects it and leads to crash;
2. Try disabling microphone in game settings.

Other than that it should be working just fine as it was tested on several different systems.
22 мая 2022 16:19
@Anonymous20154, he ain't dumb he just knows how to read

Цитата: 0xdeadc0de
The initial idea of the fix was to support online features, unfortunatelly microsoft has silently disabled servers since October 2021 which disabled a possibility to play multiplayer modes, however other stuff like drivetars, forzathron and other are still available, as I've spent so much time emulating this game I am still sharing my work and it will be exlusive guide which will have no multiplayer support. Hopefully you'll enjoy it ;)

Also please note, if game crashes for you for some reasons, there are two options what you could do regarding it:

1. Most likely you have some app which hooks game (for instance overlay), you must disable such software as the game detects it and leads to crash;
2. Try disabling microphone in game settings.

Other than that it should be working just fine as it was tested on several different systems.
22 июля 2022 14:34
Tell me how to play Blizzard Mountain and Hot Wheels DLC ? When I try to run DLC, the MS store starts
2 сентября 2022 02:32

https://ibb.co/Lpz8pDq the game freezes then crashes on this screen. see link for reference
31 июля 2023 15:42
mine don't even open,somebody know what should i do?
if u cannot see the image,it says :

Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073D2B, The package deployment failed because its content is not
valid for an unsigned package.
Windows cannot install package Microsoft.OpusPG because an unsigned package cannot include Executable activations.
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 51d4e922-c3aa-0000-80f7-d451aac3d901 in the Event Log or use
the command line Get-AppPackageLog -ActivityID 51d4e922-c3aa-0000-80f7-d451aac3d901
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-AppxPackage 'D:\Jocuri\Forza Horizon 3\AppxManifest.xml' -Registe ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (D:\Jocuri\Forza...ppxManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand
3 августа 2023 11:16
Выпуск Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview
Версия 22H2
Дата установки ?04.?03.?2023
Сборка ОС 25300.1000
Взаимодействие Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.25300.1000.0

The game has started and everything is working fine. But there is one disadvantage:
I have Windows 11, the game has been installed and started, but I observe that all machines, including traffic, have tiny wheels. It's like we're riding through the air. Has anyone ever had this?
23 ноября 2023 18:55
how to play online ? or how do i invite my friend to party ? help please
26 ноября 2023 07:59
Цитата: Ammar zed
how to play online ? or how do i invite my friend to party ? help please

Servers are dead.
4 октября 2024 22:44
hey guys any idea how to play the dlc ? im getting the "marketplace" error ):
5 октября 2024 04:09
Цитата: janderes
hey guys any idea how to play the dlc ? im getting the "marketplace" error ):

To register DLC maps use 3 steps: (1) run UWP_Helper as admin to ON dev.mode then Exit (2) run UWP_Helper as USER (not admin) to install DLC then Exit (3) run UWP_Helper as admin to OFF dev.mode then Exit. It really works! You will get working BOTH Blizard and HotWeels.


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